The swimming pool filtration pump: how does it work?
The swimming pool filtration pump, also called a circulation pump, is essential equipment for the operation of the swimming pool, the safety of the water and the comfort of bathers. Without this pump, the filtration does not work, neither does the automatic treatment and the heating, the water stagnates in the pipes and the basin. Suffice it to say that the swimming pool quickly transforms into a green-colored pond, not very suitable for swimming. Understanding what a swimming pool filtration pump is is essential to avoid all these inconveniences.
What is the operating principle of a swimming pool filtration pump?
The swimming pool circulation pump allows the movement of water in the pipes and the pool. It is a closed hydraulic circuit. The pressurized water passes through the suction circuit, through the various equipment in the technical room and returns to the basin using the discharge circuit. It is a perpetual cycle as long as the filtration works.
The suction circuit of the swimming pool hydraulic circuit
It takes the power of a motor to circulate the water in the pool. This is the role of the filtration pump when it is under electrical voltage.
The circulation pump creates a current in the pool thanks to the delivery nozzles which are adjustable. The force thus generated pushes the dirt floating on the water towards the skimmers, helped by the prevailing wind if the pool was correctly oriented during its construction. The pump therefore sucks in surface water via the skimmers and simultaneously but in a lesser proportion, that from the bottom of the pool via the bottom drain.
It should be noted that the broom socket is also a suction point for the filtration pump, when cleaning the pool is manual or when a hydraulic robot takes care of this task.
The sucked water is directed to the filtration pump where the largest impurities are retained in the pump pre-filter when present. The water continues its journey.
The discharge circuit of the swimming pool hydraulic circuit
Once vacuumed, the water is redirected to the pool. But first it goes through the filter (sand, diatomaceous earth, cartridge, etc.) where the water is cleared of the finest particles.
After the filter, the water can be disinfected if there is automatic treatment or/and reheated if a heat pump or any other means of heating is installed.
In the simplest case, clean water is directly propelled by the filtration pump into the delivery circuit, then it is expelled into the pool, via the delivery nozzles located opposite the skimmers. The powerful arrival of water in the pool creates currents which direct the impurities towards the skimmers... The cycle begins again.
Setting up the swimming pool hydraulic circuit: special attention
The start-up and operation of the swimming pool filtration pump are automatic (if a programming clock is in place!). However, it is necessary to ensure that the filter and pre-filter of the pump are in good condition and check the seals, adhesions, etc. Because, a leak on a pipe or a fitting, an air bubble in the hydraulic circuit at the level of the filtration pump, filter or other pool equipment, interferes with the proper functioning of this well-established mechanism.
We must not forget that the majority of pipes around the pool are buried. Particular attention must therefore be paid to these bonds when installing the pipes!
The swimming pool filtration pump is therefore essential, it is the heart of the technical room and the swimming pool. It is the fundamental, essential element which conditions all other equipment, filter, heating, automatic treatment. It is a major player in water quality and bathing comfort.
Knowing what is the role of the swimming pool filtration pump will help you understand the importance of this device for your swimming pool installation. Also learn what are the characteristics of a swimming pool filtration pump and what are the elements that make up the swimming pool filtration pump to better understand its operation. Finally, discover what is a variable speed swimming pool filtration pump and what are the advantages of the variable speed swimming pool filtration pump to help you choose the pump best suited to your pond.